Eclipse season is here, can you feel it? You’ve likely already been receiving messages coming through. An underlying irritability, while still experiencing magnificent bliss. Any unhealed wounds - especially from the last 6 months - are potentially coming up to the surface for mending now. Their teachings are ready for integration into your life to further assist in the development of your personal power + growth, and being more aligned with your life’s vision, purpose, and offerings.
Eclipses bring plot twists and changes to our life’s story, encouraging us to make amends with and release our past karmas, and integrate our dharmas and life lessons that help us heal, grow + evolve. This pivotal time strips us from all that is no longer needed so that we can be reborn with our new skin and step into a new authentic version of ourselves. What a perfect way to start the Spring Equinox! Our goal is to make friends with our inner dragon by peering into our shadows to self-reflect and face our fears in the name of manifesting the life we desire.
The upcoming lunar eclipse in Libra is asking: What needs to be released from your life right now so you can be your most authentic self, reclaim your personal power, and step into the manifestation of your biggest dreams + goals? Are there any unhelpful interpersonal patterns, behaviors or habits that you bring to the table in your relationships that are ready to be shifted so the former can happen?
The Solar Eclipse in Aries will ask: What personal values and actions do you need to recommit to in order to change this storyline? What area(s) of your life are you desiring renewal, refocus, and initiation of your next future challenge?
Surrender to what is over the next month, as your power is in your presence. Bring your energy inward and protect it, stay grounded, and go with your own flow. Don’t force anything to happen or change, and allow any natural shifts to occur on their own. Listen to your heart, intuition, and the messages your ancestors bring to you. Bring love to your life in all the ways you know how, especially through creative expression + art. Alchemize your pain into love through self-care practices like movement, plant medicines, music, gardening, writing, poetry, etc. Release anything standing in your way from being your fullest self, recommit to your personal path, stand firm in your decisions, and move forward towards your boldest dreams with courage in your heart.
With Love <3
Want to learn more about astrology, eclipse season, plant medicines, somatic movements, and other self-care rituals you can practice during this pivotal time? Join me for my Full Moon Yoga, Astrology and Self-Care Rituals class this Saturday, 3/23, from 6-8pm @reslientsoulyoga!
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